
Plant All Season

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Personal and bespoke garden shopping – Plants, Trees, Shrubs, Herbaceous Perennials, Bulbs Bedding and Hedges for Gardens Large and Small.



Botanical Trees

classic set

The bay tree is an all-round winner, evergreen, so keeps their leaves all year. She smells lovely and can be pruned to any shape. And, yes, you can use their leaves in cooking. Easy to care for, with a little sun and the soil moist that’s all.

Botanical Perennials

fatsia japonica

The beautiful fatsia japonica gets its name from the Japanese word ‘fatsi’, meaning ‘eight’, It’s found in the wild in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, where it lives happily through warm summers and pretty cold winters.


dwarf fan palms

The dwarf fan palm is a plant that looks tropical but is perfectly ok with non-tropical conditions. It’s one of only two palms native to Europe and copes happily with British weather. Cold temperatures, wind and drought won’t phase it.

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